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WIFI Shield


This Wi-Fi Shield utilizes a ESP12 Wi-Fi module to provide your Arduino/ Catduino with serial Ethernet's function. Carry on an independent antenna makes it easily to cover wider range and transmit more stronger signal. For the support of TCP, UDP and FTP communication protocols, this Wi-Fi Shield can meet the needs of most wireless network projects, such as smart home networks, robot controls and personal weather stations, etc. We prepared an easy and convenient command set for this shield so that you can use neat and concise code to run the function. If you use the Wi-Fi function, it takes two pins to hook your device up to 802.11b/g/n wireless networks. If you use the storage.

Technical Data

Input frequent: 2412MHz to 2484MHz

Input resistant: 50Ω

PA output power(72.2Mbps): 14 to 16dBm

Typical power: 15dBm

PA output power(11b mode): 17.5 to 19.5dBm

Typical power: 18.5dBm

Input low voltage: -0.3 to 0.25*VIO V

Input high voltage: 0.75*VIO to 3.3V

VDDIO(VIO): 1.8 to 3.3V


Arduino, Catduino, Arduino Mega and Catduino Mega compatible

802.11 b/g/n

Wi-Fi Direct (P2P), soft-AP

Internally installed TCP/IP protocol stack

Host Data Rate up to 1 Mbps for UART, 2 Mbps over SPI slave

UART serial port of RN171 on the Shield can be connected to Arduino by jumpers

SPI pin of RN171 is just breakout

Wake up, connect and delivery in 2ms

Secure Wi-Fi authentication WEP-128, WPA-PSK (TKIP), WPA2-PSK (AES)

Built-in networking applications: DHCP client, DNS client, ARP, ICMP ping, FTP, TELNET, HTTP, UDP, TC




Package List

Wi-Fi shield



hardware Installation

Assemble these parts together like the picture below, and plug the shield with your Arduino/Catduino.

Software Programming

First of all, ensure that Arduino is connected with computer.
Open a new sketch in Arduino-1.0, then copy the following code to your sketch.

#include "Wifly.h"

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

WiflyClass Wifly(2,3);

void setup()


  Serial.begin(9600);//use the hardware serial to communicate with the PC

  Wifly.init();//Initialize the wifishield

  Wifly.setConfig("SSID","PASSWORD");//here to set the ssid and password of the Router



  while(!Wifly.connect("","90"));//connect the remote service



void loop()













